Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A Trip To Disneyland, July 1958 - Part Nine

Today we'll spend a bit more time in Frontierland, down by the ol' river, as we continue our visit to Disneyland, 1958 style.

You might be lucky enough to spy a Stagecoach, carrying passengers, the U.S. mail, and the a few lock boxes full of money. Look at all those kids on top! Hope they are hanging on tight.

You might also see a conestoga wagon, named after General William P. Conestoga. OK, that's a lie. Please don't use that information in your next history report. These wagons wouldn't be around for too much longer...

Say, that's not just a friendly Indian Village, it's THE friendly Indian Village! I hope that they don't mind if I crash for a few nights, just until I get a money order from my rich uncle William P. Conestoga. Oh, and I want flapjacks for breakfast.

And there's Chief Friendly himself. He spends a lot of time watching the river, because he doesn't have a television. The passing Mark Twain is the most exciting thing in his life. His pals are shy, and remain higher up the hill, hoping that he will ask one of them to join him. But he never will.


  1. Yay I like this series, glad to see there's more.

    How Frontierland filled out! But the Indian Village, not to be confused with Injuns which lived in caves with some kid over on the island, looks fab.

    maybe you can crash out in a riverfront teepee, Maj, and enjoy the entertainment of really weird pipples goin' by just like they do.

    Conestoga wagons were named after the Conestoga valley in pencilvaney where they were supposedly from. incidentally were those conestoga wagons or just covered wagons? I could probably find a better pic but I am lazy. Yes, lazy and weak after imagining a trip on the Stagecoach.

  2. Great outdoorsy set, I do love this series! There's still an Indian on a horse out there, he just waves and waves at people all day, my elbow hurts just watching him!

  3. a nice grouping today....makes you feel like you really are out on the plains :D

    i would have liked a wagon ride. i did stand next to the stagecoach that is now near Big Thunder Mountain these days for a photo once...that is as close as i ever got to Walt's original Frontierland

  4. Great Pics. Frontierland used to really live up to it's name!

  5. Reminds me of the non-PC Settler's Burning Cabin.
    Imagine, violence at the Happiest place?
    The savages!
    One of my favorite "lost attractions".
    Thanks for the images.
