Saturday, April 25, 2009

Souvenir Slide Saturday

As part of my pathetic ploy to keep this blog going, I have once again delved into my old souvenir slides for a post. These are "Treasure Tone" slides, which I believe were sold for several years in the early days of the park.

This is a nice shot of the Disneyland Band, resplendent in their red uniforms. It looks like it was high noon, and they gathered around Town Square's flagpole for a brief performance.

You can tell that this is a very early photo of the Jungle Cruise loading dock, because the sign reads, "Adventureland". It was changed to "Jungle Cruise" in just a year or so. Some of the palms look pretty scruffy, presumably because they hadn't filled out yet after being planted.

And finally, a closeup of a headhunter who is not happy that we have trespassed on his territory. I'm not sure if the early native figures along the Jungle Cruise river are technically "animatronic", since their movements were limited at best. In an early "Disneyland" episode, you can see a man being cast in plaster for the natives (I think they used the same mold for all of them).


  1. Anonymous12:06 AM

    Kodachrome-eriffic Treasure Tones!
    Thanks for dusting those off, they're very nice.

  2. Very nice, indeed! I remember that episode that showed them making the mold for the natives and I think you're right about them using the same person/mold for all of the figures.

    I miss the crisp white boats with the striped canopies!

  3. In the first photo, that goof-ball in the red shirt is blocking my view of the drinking fountain *grrr*

  4. these are good for always up for a visit to Adventureland! :)

  5. Ditto Katella Gate, I was looking for the little drinking fountain too! Old souvenir slides are great, the Pan-Vue's, not so great, but these are sweet, thanks!

  6. Pegleg Pete7:18 AM

    That's a great Jungle Cruise pic!

  7. gotta love these. pegleg is correct, what a wonderful view of JC.

  8. wow it makes me wanna run to the dock and take a Jungle Cruise! :)
