Saturday, February 07, 2009

70's Saturday

Continuing yesterday's visit to the 70's, let's take a look at some scenes from June 1970.

Tigger and Eeyore and holding court in Fantasyland, they know that it's the little people who made them what they are. That particular little person in the brown corduroy coat is just a little bit nervous to be near such a big star. "Excuse me, Mr. Tigger? MR. TIGGER??". Unfortunately for him, Tigger often explodes into a white-hot supernova of rage when he is touched.

Those crazy teacups... I can't help but wonder what other ride concepts from "Alice in Wonderland" were considered (if any?). I don't recall seeing those fancy light posts and arches in earlier photos, when were they added? The cups are nearly ready to start spinning... and spinning... and - - urp!

And finally here's a nice shot of Tomorrowland, with the Skyway vanishing into the Matterhorn. I was recently re-reading a section of "Disneyland: The Nickel Tour", which is a wonderful book. But the rationalization of the Skyway's removal (specifically mentioning Fantasyland) is incredibly lame: "'s important to note that the true beauty of Fantasyland can be appreciated as never before without the intrusion of those big fiberglass buckets. We loved you, Skyway, but still and all, there are those among us who say it's good to see you gone." Really? Really??


  1. Anonymous12:44 AM

    Ooh they did it to enhance the view and people who love a good view are glad to see perhaps the #1 view vehicle gone (if you buy that, let's talk real estate!).

    Cord boy's clothes (top pic) have probably spent the past thirty years kicking around a Goodwill (or South America?). The pants on the kid's leg not keeping inside the vehicle, in this case teacup in middle pic, might be good for Easter egg dye, and where will that man's sunglasses end up?

    Bottom pic, what's the building on the left? Looks like it's been there a while but I don't recognize it, maybe it's the angle. Just phone and restrooms... with a Coke sign?

  2. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Okay, I will say the only thing I don't miss about the Skyway is being spit on by overhead passing idiots while waiting in line for Mr. Toad's Wild ride. Or am I the only one that ever happened to...more than once?

    And, hey I'm ancient enough to remember riding it through the *old* open-interior Matterhorn. The thrill of watching the bobsleds zip around and under the Skyway buckets along those beautiful spaghetti-like tracks...

    One of my favorite DL memories!

  3. Kid! Hey KID! Don't touch Tiggers ... they are full of chiggers.

  4. haha...

    seems odd to see characthers not being mobbed like they are/would be today without attendants

    the teacups didnt have "doors" then? the family there on the right in the white cup look like they are ready to go, but doesnt seem to be a door there to close...

    the fancy gingerbread look nice, makes it look more "Fantasyland-ish"

    as for the Skyway, it is my most-missed attraction and is the first thing i would bring back if i had the chance! so sad that things like being spit on or having a Coke spilled on someone have to spoil it for the rest of us :(

    thanks for "major" Tomorrowland magic again today! ;)

  5. darn it...forgot to ask

    does anyone know what the very space-ship dome looking thing is that we can see at the far left of the Monorail track?

    it doesnt look like a monorail....

  6. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Great images! Brings back a lot of memories. I started working as a sweeper in Tomorrowland in 1971 and transfered to Engineering in 1976. The 70's were great years for the Park. Keep the 70's alive! I also went back and re-read the part about the removal of the Skyway in the Nickel Tour; this obviously was a comment from Bruce as he was very opinionated about certain Disney attractions.

  7. I'm happy to say that I was nobody ever spit on me from the Skyway! Some people really are idiots.

    Nancy, that IS a monorail, you are seeing the very front of it, and the bubble-dome on top.

    Chiana, I think that the Coke sign is at the Tomorrowland Terrace (and is in the distance), and the spiky building in the foreground might be part of the Tomorrowland Stage.

  8. Great post! The Coke sign is Tommorowland Terrace, and the spiky building in the foreground is the Mod Hatter shop at the base of the Tomorrowland Skyway station.

  9. I have my own opinion, the spikey building in the foreground is the Rolly Crump ticket booth.

    I love the way the Monorail looks where you can just see the nose and the bubble. Wouldn't it be great to have some kind of bubble shaped cars or pods like that running along on the Peoplemover track?

    I remember when the Teacups just had a single plastic-coated chain instead of a door. But that shot looks like they don't even have the chain.

    A friend of mine was spat on by someone on the Skyway while he was going up the chain lift on the Matterhorn!

  10. Tokyo Magic, you're right, it is the Rolly Crump-designed ticket booth. Good call!

    Here's the Hatmosphere, which replaced the Mod Hatter shop:

  11. Anonymous11:05 PM

    Wow thanks TM, Yellows, Maj, it's hard for me to tell in that pic from that perspective. And interesting thought on a car with a bubble on the PippleMoover track, TM. :)

  12. thanks, Major

    it looks too rounded in front to be a monorail to me, thats why i wondered...

    on my next trip to Disneyland im gonna look you up for a personal tour lol!! ive a feeling it would be good fun... :)
