Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Christmas on Main Street, 1972

With only 9 more days until Christmas, I thought I would try to get into the spirit of things with these three images from 1972.

How many people can say that they were killed by a horse-drawn streetcar? Not many, but it looks like our photographer is about to be one of those lucky few. But it was all worth it for this nice picture looking back towards Main Street Station and the gigantic Christmas tree. Main Street has a way of pulling out all the stops when it comes to the holidays, that tree must be at least 60 feet tall. And made entirely of marshmallow peeps. I can dream, can't I?

I know, I probably should have shown this picture first, since this is the angle you would see as you first entered Town Square from the western tunnel. It's fun to look at the fashions of the day... probably a lot of clothing from Sears and Montogomery Wards.

Looking north towards the castle, we can see more fabulous winter fashions... there was definitely a nip in the air that day! Garlands and wreaths and plenty of bells deck the halls, making for a mighty pretty scene.


  1. major,

    nice Christmas set to get everyone in the spirit. thank you.

  2. so pretty. its turning out to be another beautiful day there, blue skys and the holiday spirit everywhere you look

    Christmas at Disneyland is on my list of things to do before....well, you know, before im 60!

    thanks Major : )

  3. Anonymous5:07 AM

    Your festive pics of a holiday Main Street have made me feel nostalgic and your witty comments even more so: the story in my family was that my great-aunt Gert had, indeed, been run over by a horse-drawn street car (but not killed); and I remember many years ago being trotted into Sears to buy clothing and having my mother loudly proclaim to the store that we would definitely be buying from their "husky" line (gigantic pants for chubby kids).

  4. Three stunningly sharp Christmas photos, I want to step right in - thanks Major! Main Street does pull out all the stops as shown in these great photos and they still do! Anonymous, your Sears tale gave me chills... And sorry about Aunt Gerd.

  5. DL does for Christmas, what no other place can do. A warm feeling here. Thanks Major.

  6. Don't forget Buffum's and Penney's. The world was a sea of brown back then.

  7. Visiting Disneyland during the holidays is one thing I need to do someday!

  8. Anonymous10:49 AM

    That first photo is my new desktop! It's so beautiful with the horse coming at you, tree in the background--it just feels like you are there!

    Brer Dan

  9. Hey Major - speaking of Bigfoot today - how'd you miss calling out that 'Hippie' on the left in that first shot? Knowing how much you appreciate them...

  10. Hey Major! Great holiday photos! As you can see, I'm catching up on my blogs. ;)

  11. What about the "twins" right smack in the middle of the second photo? or are they castmembers???? But then, which land would have those awful jackets?
