Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Monorail & Main Street, October 1963

Here's a super image of Tomorrowland from October 1963, with lots of stuff going on over our heads. Monorail Blue is comin' atcha! It's just passing the Yacht Bar, and the Matterhorn looks dramatic and huge in the background. If you look closely at the Skyway bucket closest to us, you can see two kids peering down to our right, enjoying the view of the Submarine Lagoon (or maybe they are watching their penny fall into the water).

The sun is setting early by now since it is autumn... if the clock on the train station is to be believed, it is only 4:10. A few shoppers are about, but Main Street looks relatively empty. Not a balloon vendor, vehicle, or costumed character to be seen! It's kind eerie, actually...


  1. Great mood in these two, thanks! I sure like the “bend” in the old Monorail beam near the Yacht Bar. I hear they had to straighten it out when they increased the length of the monorail, I wonder if that’s true, that "S" curve doesn’t seem any tighter than the previous left turn around the Matterhorn, which is still there.

  2. Those quiet autumn days in the park were really something. With no crowd in the park, a kid really could pretend he owned the place. Afraid those days are no more...

  3. Amazing Main Street picture, I love the mood of the piece. The people walking really gives it some feeling.
