Thursday, March 13, 2008

Banner in the Sky, July 1961

For some reason, I vividly remember watching Disney's "Wonderful World of Color" as a kid... well, I did that a lot, but I'm talking about one particular episode. They were showing "Third Man on the Mountain", but on TV it was called, "Banner In The Sky" (I know, that was the name of the original book). I can still recall the announcer's voice as if I just heard it yesterday.

Anyway, seeing these photos of the Matterhorn brought back the memories of that entertaining show, and a powerful urge to get the DVD of the movie. Hope it holds up after all these years! There's something about this first picture that I just love. Besides the clarity and composition (making the mountain seem particularly impressive), the touches of color evoke a festive mood. The flags, blue sky, Skyway buckets, checkerboard shades, and the rakish angle of the Yacht Bar all add to the fun.

Here's another view from the same lot... a classic Disneyland image.


  1. I have the movie on DVD but have never opened it. Perhaps I should watch it! It's hard to imagine Disneyland without the Matterhorn...

  2. Great pic of the Yacht Bar. Always a favorite place. Yesterday's post of the entrance was awesome, .90 cents!!! unreal.

  3. Great shots major! And yes, Third Man on the Mountain holds up well under repeat viewings. For a fun Disney-adventure-twin-feature night at the movies, I suggest making a big bowl of popcorn and screening Third Man followed by either Swiss Family Robinson or 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. :)
