Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Mono & More

It's a "twofer" Tuesday!

This first image is from a tiny slide, roughly 3/4" by 1/2" (but still in a standard 2" by 2" cardboard mount). It was undated, and I have labeled it as being from the 70's, although it could be from the late 60's as well. I always thought it was exciting when the Monorail would swoop past above our heads, looking graceful and cool. The idea of a working monorail system in a real city setting has become something of a joke (thanks, Simpsons!), but I can't help thinking that it would still be a cool solution to some of our commuting problems.

One more thing, notice the Douglas "Flight to the Moon" poster on the 3rd pylon!

Here's a nice overview of the Sub lagoon and Monorail station. Hey, what's that guy doing up on the roof? Somebody call the cops - - terminate him with extreme prejudice! I miss being able to see views like this for myself... little details are visible that you might not see from any other angle. Note the resevoir above the Sub's waterfalls; who wouldn't want to swim in that! It's hard to see at this resolution, but the Sub load area has several Frontierland attraction posters on display, which seems like an odd choice. Also notice the mystery box at the end of that pier, similar to an earlier version that eventually vanished (see this post).


  1. That’s a weird size for a slide? Sounds like 110 film size. What kind of camera do you think took it? It’s a pretty good image for such a tiny slide.

    Great overhead picture, that reservoir above the waterfalls looks awesome; I’d swim in there! I think the man on the roof is getting ready for the High-Dive!

  2. two very good captures. yes, many fond memories of the monorail flying by in the parking lot. i remember as a kid, i almost waked into a car because i was watching the monorail instead of traffic. ooops

    the sub lagoon picture is amazing. i can see howard johnsons, where we always stayed when i was younger. fun times that seem so long ago never to return.

  3. It's remembering these pylon posters that made me want to collect the posters in the first place! Great shot!

  4. Anonymous8:37 AM

    I have a bunch of those tiny slides from the olden days. They are indeed 110 film, from a Kodak Pocket Instamatic, as can be seen here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Instamatic

  5. Anonymous10:03 PM

    Oh I don't think the idea of a monorail for public transit is a joke, but I know that the actual public transit around here is.
