Monday, January 28, 2008

The Canyon That's Grand

We all know that 1958 is the year the Civil War ended. But I like to think of it as the year after 1957. 1958 is also the year that this first picture was taken (I accidentally labeled the jpeg "1956" because I was suffering from nitrogen narcosis). There's the train station - - again! I wish I could see what the "population" was at this point. The freight train has some covered excursion cars here (as well as the infamous "cattle cars"), I believe that they were brand new, added so that you could see the Grand Canyon Diorama in all its glory.

And raise your hands if you're sick of me going on and on about attraction posters! Not that it'll do any good, because here I go again. There's a Rocket to the Moon for you (Jed!). And there's the first version of the beautiful Grand Canyon Diorama poster...later versions only listed three train stations at the bottom. Because Fantasyland station was removed when "It's a Small World" went it. You there, why aren't you taking notes? And are you chewing gum??

Here's a nice big jpeg that I took of my own Grand Canyon Diorama's a much larger image than I usually post, so it might take you a while to see, depending on your connection. Somehow I doubt I'll get many complaints! I love the unusual color scheme, this is definitely up there as one of the most "zowie" of all the Disneyland broadsheets.


  1. Anonymous11:39 PM

    W O W

  2. More posters always!!!! You can never have too many posters or Main Street Station shots with posters in them. Thanks!

  3. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Four of the greatest posters ever in one shot. Sweet!

  4. Keep them posters coming!

  5. What posters... where are the posters? OH, I see them now. Great post(er). Keep up the good work!
