Sunday, December 09, 2007

Sunday Jumble

Welcome to another Sunday post on GDB! Today ya gots 3 slides for which to feast your eyebones upon.

It's July 1963, and if you wanted to go see the usual shenanigans over at the Golden Horseshoe, you were in for a surprise. The Ward Singers had taken over, perhaps to give Wally Boag and friends a much needed rest (during the peak season though?). The Ward Singers were founded by Clara Ward, a renowned gospel singer who made her first recording in 1940. By the 50's, The Famous Ward Singers were performing on television, at Carnegie Hall, and even in Las Vegas (the appearances in Sin City apparently alienated many of their longtime fans). They continued to perform at Disneyland during the summer months into the early 70's.

Let's take a load off of our feet and relax at the Hills Bros. Coffee House. This oddly-composed photo gives us a glimpse into the neighboring Coffee Garden, painted a cheerful yellow and decorated with plenty of attraction posters. Drool. Look, there's are even a couple of empty horse hitches for our ponies.

Thirdly, here is yet another look at Fantasyland. Teacups, check. Pirate Ship, check. No Skyway, though you can see the cables. The happiest cables on earth, that is. To the extreme right, a display of postcards and guidebooks tempts passers by. How many postcards do you recognize even at this tiny size? I admit that I recognize more than a few, which further enhances my standing as a true geek.


  1. i remember having a cup of coffee and a bite to eat before the long day ahead. i do miss the coffee garden.

  2. I like the afternoon shot of the Pirate Ship--especially that nobody's there!

    I never knew the Coffee Garden displayed attraction posters. It was very much like Carnation Plaza Gardens in that regard. (Well, OK, and all the other places they plastered attraction posters!)

  3. I am as much as a geek as you. I think I have some of those post cards.

  4. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Skyway bucket can be seen on the right, above an umbrella

  5. I know I've said it before, but bringing a coffee garden back to that area makes so much sense; the Blue Ribbon Bakery is always crowded and a good jolt of joe would start the DLand day off right. Great photos!

  6. Fine work Major. This is my Disneyland again. Thank you. I agree with you Dave. We always went to Hills Bros First.

  7. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Being a former CM at Hill's from the summers of 1969-1970, this brings back a lot of memories. And yes, the Garden Area had the typical attraction posters. No change from 1963 as far as I can tell.
