Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Castle, 1950's

I don't often post photos of Sleeping Beauty's Castle...let's face it, we've all seen it a million times before (two million, for some of you). Anyway, it's easy to take the castle for granted; when I was rabidly collecting Disneyland postcards, it got to the point where I if I saw one more photo of SBC my eyes would bleed.

But I have to admit that this photo is especially nice. I love the color and composition...there are swags of Christmas greenery garnishing the castle (and one flocked tree). The sun is already setting on this short winter day, and its warm light makes the castle glow.

Just to the left of center you can see a red fire hydrant, not much effort has been made to hide it. Maybe that was due to fire codes? I don't look for hydrants at the park when I'm there, but presumably they are there - - only hidden.

1 comment:

  1. A call still going out for interiors of the 1957 - 1977 version of the Castle Walkthrough... We have nothing!
