Sunday, July 22, 2007

Sunday Stew

It's Sunday, and that means it is time for more random images from my collection.

Here's a nice closeup of a cannon that used to be in the dining area behind Captain Hook's Pirate Ship. It's a cool detail of something that was completely unnecessary, but it added a bit more "piratey" atmosphere to the place. Nice craftsmanship!

It's September 1960, and the E.P. Ripley is comin' into the station. Or maybe it's already leaving? I still love riding the DLRR as much as ever.

"Carol and Popcorn", that's how this image was labeled. Carol is looking smashing (like Audrey Hepburn's mom) with her black hat, simple-yet-elegant black and gray outfit, and of course the white gloves for that finishing touch. Carol and the popcorn vendor seem to be enjoying their conversation with each other!


  1. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Interesting that the popcorn wagon stands on steel brackets to keep the wagon level and prevent it from rolling down into the hub.

    -Katella Gate

  2. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Actually, I think thats the Fred Gurley (#3) pulling into the station. That cannon is great! Too bad they didn't have it tucked away in storage for the Pirates overlay on Tom Sawyer Island.

  3. Rob, you are correct...I don't know where my brain was last night!

  4. Boy, I could go for some popcorn right now

  5. Anonymous8:03 AM

    I think it's great that the basic design of that style of popcorn cart hasn't changed much over the past 50 years.

  6. Anonymous7:24 PM

    I believe that popcorn cart is the same one that is currently in Plaza Hub - it was painted gold for the 50th anniversary as one of the "opening day attractions."

  7. Hello Major P. So, are you sick of me yet? I’d be sick of me. I mean, maybe if I followed along with everybody else on your daily posts instead of meandering my way back in time… Well, maybe someday I’ll complete this quest of mine, and join you and the rest of your gorilla family in the present day. I hope you’ll welcome me there when the time comes.
    But for now I’m sending you a message from way back on July 22, 2007.
    I’ve been wanting to ask you this for some time, and I guess this is as good a time as any. I have what I thought was very vivid memories of small cannons on the deck of the Chicken of the Sea Pirate Ship. I would’ve sworn I was climbing on them when I was I tike. But based on all the photos you have of the ship from the Skyway (and there are A LOT of them) it would seem I’ve simply made it all up in my head. So, do you have any recollection of anything like that at all???

  8. Hey, Monkey Cage Kurt, I am not sick of you at all, it is great to know that somebody is going back and reading all of the old posts! I genuinely appreciate your enthusiasm. As for the canons on the Chicken of the Sea Pirate Ship, you have stumped me. There was a small canon on the front of the Keel Boats, could that be what you are thinking of? Probably not, I know. I'm about to leave town, but now I am curious about the mystery canons myself. Maybe it was the Columbia? Sorry I couldn't be more help!

  9. DOH, Monkey Cage Kurt, there are no high-quality Japanese cameras on the pirate ship, which is why I kept writing "canons" instead of "cannons"!! Either that or I am dumb. You decide!
