Monday, June 11, 2007

Disneyland in 1955

Here are two slides from 1955 (I believe they are from around the first month of Disneyland's opening). Rather than messing with the colors and contrast in Photoshop, I decided to leave them as is...I like the nostalgic, dreamlike feel that these old images evoke.

I don't post too many photos of Sleeping Beauty's Castle, but once in a while I'll see one that gives me a feeling of what it might have been like to be there 50 years ago. This is one of those slides!

Mom has just realized that little Timmy is making a break for it and is in danger of being run over by a surrey or something. Young man, you get over here, what did your father tell you about crossing the street? I can hear it now! We'll see more of this kid (and his brother) in future posts.


  1. Great photos. I loved the "unplanted" look.

  2. Great Pictures Thanks for sharing!!!

  3. The Castle does not get its due, does it? It is an amazing piece of architecture, unlike anything placed in an amusement park for years.
