Thursday, May 31, 2007

Waiting for the Twain

This photo is in the neighborhood of 50 years old, but its vivid colors make it feel as if it were taken last week. The image illustrates just one of the experiences that was unique to Disneyland. Steamboats like the Mark Twain had all but disappeared from the rivers of America, and the chance to ride one must have seemed (to some) like a great way to relive a bit of history. Of course, the Western craze (zillions of TV westerns and movies, for instance) probably helped to fuel some interest.


  1. Good morning, I like to ride the steamboat at Disney.I think it is neat how they engineered it to get something that big to run on steam.

  2. You don't see as many old people at the park today. It's kind of sad. That balloon is a classic too.

  3. Again - to point out the Disney attention to detail; they fly a U.S. flag vintage to the time represented in Frontierland. Nice photo Major!

  4. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Great photo. One of the charms of the Mark Twain is the anticipation as you see it coming abound the bend knowing that you are about climb aboard. I can hear the whistle now, which to me is one of the classic Disneyland sounds. Thanks Major. And thanks Walt!
