Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Frontierland Potpourri

Today I thought I'd post a bunch of Frontierland stuff for y'all. It's not 15 images like Daveland would post, but it will just have to do!

First up we get a view of the Mine Train comin' round Cascade Peak. I sure miss this bit of Frontier eye-candy. You couldn't climb it, and no rides went through it, but having it gone stinks!

Sorry about the next blurry photo. I have had this one scanned forever and didn't know what to do with it. I mostly wondered where this train has apparently stopped, and why. I've seen a few other pictures of mine trains that might have been on a spur line. Anybody have any ideas?

The next picture is a nice detail of the sign outside Davy Crockett's Frontier Arcade, circa 1956. I have no idea what was inside this building. General merchandise? Rubber tomahawks and coonskin caps? 1830's-style pinball machines?

And finally, here's a look at the pilot house for the Mark Twain, also from 1956. Running the big sternwheeler around the Rivers of America sounds like a pretty sweet job to me!

1 comment:

  1. That train isn't stopped! It's on it's way underneath "Natural Arch Bridge" into the desert portion of the Rainbow Caverns Main Train (not Nature's Wonderland - which is why that photo nay be throwing you...)

    - Chris
