Friday, March 23, 2007

Rocket to the Moon

The feller with the hat don't look like he's from around here. But he seems mighty neighborly! You get a sense of how really big that moon rocket was in this photo. I love the way people gathered at its base to eat lunch and rest their feet. Don't they know that they will be burnt to a crisp when the rocket takes off?

Just for fun I thought I'd include this slightly out-of-focus image taken at the entrance to the Rocket to the Moon show buildings. Oh if only we could see more details! The glimpse of the ticket booth is kind of cool. I wish they had an attraction that was like this now. How about a flyby of the planet Jupiter? No jokes about that planet that starts with the letter "U" please.

I'll be out of town for a couple of days, and should be back Sunday night. Have a great weekend everybody!


  1. The first photo brings up images of Slim Pickens riding the bomb at the end of Dr. Strangelove.

  2. Is it me or is that one BIG cowboy hat? As always Major, excellent pix.
