Saturday, March 31, 2007

Disneyland Hotel

I realize that the title of today's entry borders on false advertising. But there was just something about the photo that I liked. Yep, that's the Disneyland Hotel waaaay over there. You can see the yellow Monorail to the left, just about to pass the classic sign for the hotel. There is also the red sign for the Gourmet restaurant as the Monorail approaches the hotel station. And as an added bonus (at no additional cost), there's one of the little parking lot trams.

Check out Daveland's blog entry from a couple of days ago for a similar (better?) view!


  1. Fabulous shot. A truly period, early morning (I suppose) view.

  2. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Demonstrating (still) the best use of this piece of property.

  3. This is a great shot of the original Sierra tower before it was extended to the south and made longer. The Marina tower was added later in 1968 and the Bonita Tower was built in the late 70s.

  4. This photo is amazing!
