Friday, December 01, 2006

Tom Sawyer Island

We're looking along the shore of Tom Sawyer Island in this early (undated) slide, possibly from around 1958. A raft is about to dock, look at those guys standing right on the very edge of it. Guess maybe that was considered OK in those days? A number of folks are fishing from the dock in the background (I think this is used as a smoking area now). To the left, the grist mill, and the trail up to the treehouse.

OK, nothing special about this picture, it's even a little blurry on one side. But there is one detail I especially love....the kid who was not satisfied with just climbing the treehouse. He has climbed outside the treehouse and is WAY up in the branches. If the treehouse was the highest point in Disneyland back then, this kid has reached a pinnacle that most people would never achieve. If you are a Disney lawyer, you are clutching your chest right now. We salute you, crazy kid!


  1. Major- I think the guys who are hanging outside of the raft in their suits are the Disney Lawyers rushing to get to the island and forcibly remove the kid from the tree!

  2. That was back in the days when the Disney may have been a little less safe and a lot more fun for kids. I talked to a WDI gal once and she said, "You know that expression... one in million chance? Well we have 60 million guests a year, so we can have 60 one-in-a-millions that we have to watch out for." That kid up in the tree is definately a one-in-a-million waiting to happen...

  3. Let the boy climb! Let the parents take responsibility if he falls for not teaching him to climb properly, or read signs, or take unnecessary risks. Let the Cast Members remove HIM from the tree instead of asking Cast Members to remove the TREE. Safety was the first priority... let the Cast Members do their job when they see this. Let them use the second priority of Courtesy when ask him down and talk to him about being responsible. Climb On Boy! Climb On!

  4. Nice commentary, Gorilla!
