Monday, November 27, 2006

Raft to Tom Sawyer Island, August 1961

Here's a "postcard worthy" image if I ever saw one! At my recent trip to Disneyland, we asked the little kids to pick one last ride before heading home, and I was pleased that one nephew wanted to ride the Mark Twain! Unfortunately it had closed hours before for Fantasmic. Booo! Anyway, I love the blue sky and the reflections in the water.

I've noticed in more than a few photos that the cast members on the rafts often have that "head down" pose. Maybe it's just coincidence? I am usually impressed with the way that they can take that fairly massive raft, cross the river AND turn it around as you go, and bring the raft to the docks with barely a bump. Must take a lot of practice!


  1. Anonymous11:45 PM

    Great shot! It might just be that the "heads down" cast member posture was only for survival to avoid further sunburn?

  2. One word GORGEOUS!!!! DD
