Sunday, November 12, 2006

Disneyland Exit & View from Skyway

Once in a while I want to post certain photos even though they are not the most exciting or interesting images in the world. Today I decided to show two of those!

First up, a view of the exit (undated, but almost certainly from the 50's)....the sun is low, shadows are long, and some families are heading home after a day of fun.

Next is an unusual view taken from the Skyway, overlooking the Tomorrowland lagoon, from about 1957. There's the Viewliner track crossing the water, and ARGH! the Viewliner train itself is partially hidden as it is about to emerge from the trees to the left. Beyond the lagoon is the Autopia (I think it's the Tomorrowland Autopia, maybe the Junior Autopia, can anyone tell for sure?).

Over the berm, it looks like there are still some orange trees, and what appears to be a park for mobile homes nearby. Things are still pretty rural around the park, but not for long.


  1. Dave- I would say the Viewliner is leaving. The photographer probably saw the perfect shot of the Viewliner on the bridge, got his camera and snapped the image. But the viewliner was traveling too fast. He was probably mad when he got the slides back. He did get a nice shot of the bridge and of the surrounding Anaheim area.

  2. I can't get past the idea that the exit gate photo is in the morning. Am I wrong? The shadows seem to be coming from the East, unless I'm disoriented. People seem to be walking toward the main gate rather than away from it...
    Or am I insane?

  3. Anonymous9:34 AM

    No, Merlin, you're not crazy, the sun's coming from the east so it's before noon. The garlands on the Station Roof suggests it's decorated for Christmas, so the long shadows may be a result of the season, not the time of day.

  4. Wow!!! COol VIewliner stuff. The Viewliner is heading from left to right in this image and is just about to make the bend into the Tomorrowland Viewliner Station. Thats the Tomorrowland Autopia.The surrounding area stuff is so cool-that sign way in the background on the left side (the black lettering on white on top of the building)is from a grocery store called the "Market Basket". I lived 13 miles from Disneyland for 40 years-Know the area real well!! DD

  5. Yeesh, I guess I was wrong about a bunch of stuff!

  6. Don't ever be wrong again, or there'll be real trouble!

  7. Was there ever an attraction poster for the Viewliner?? DD

  8. No attraction poster was printed for the viewliner and I have not seen even any proposed artwork for an attraction poster.

  9. Awweeesssome Viewliner shot, even minius the train itself. In some ways it's even more interesting to see that bare trestle - you could hand that photo to a random person and they'd never be able to identify that as Disneyland.

  10. Anonymous12:40 AM

    Very interesting about "Market Basket". I remember a Market Basket out in the San Fernando Valley area.
