Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Jungle Jim and Tour Guide

This image is from a stereo slide dated November'll have to take my word for it when I tell you that the 3-D effect is pretty nice! It was labeled "Jungle Jim"; was he a Jungle Cruise skipper? I can't tell from the costume.

Standing next to Jim is a pretty tour guide (Tourguide Trixie?), riding crop in hand, ready to discipline naughty guests who don't pay attention! I've always found the tour guide costume to be a bit ridiculous with the hat and the plaid skirt, and the poncho (or whatever that red garment it a cape?). Still, there's no mistaking them for another tourist, which was probably the point.


  1. Great shot—those outfits are classic! What are the chances of getting the other stereo shot that goes with this?

  2. Call me twisted, but I've always found those outfits hot (errrr - the tour guide - not the Jungle Skipper....)

  3. You’re not twisted… just male. Tangaroa knows that we Jungle skippers had quite a love affair with the lovely ladies in plaid. Boat storage was close enough to City Hall to keep both parties interested in each other. And I was told at one time that the Jungle skippers wore a cravat so I’m guessing that you are right Major Pepperidge, “Jim” was indeed a skipper.

  4. If only Wigglevision had been invented then!

  5. Walterworld, you must have gone all the way back to review my whole blog!
