Thursday, July 13, 2006

Frontierland Mess!

This image seems to be somewhat related to the one that Stuff From The Park had on July 12. See that yellow banner? Wish I could read it, I assume it says something about the Indian Village. It was relocated in 1956, and I suppose that the banner could have been the entrance to the dance cirle and various Indian living quarters.

I am also curious about the little construction wall in the foreground, what could that be for? The workmen just left their tools unattended, that would never happen these days!


  1. Hey Major- check out my post today for the sign. This looks like they are working on the Frontierland Train Station or maybe on the tunnel to Indian Village? Can't quite place the location.

  2. I don't know Raymond - this shot seems to be mid-late 50s to me... Construction on the Mansion didn't start until 1963...

    Really unusual shot, MP!
