Saturday, July 08, 2006

Bear Country, October 1962

When you consider that Disneyland was once flat groves of walnut and orange trees, a scene like this is pretty remarkable. Thanks to the skill and artistry of the landscapers, the little mine trains took passengers around Cascade Peak's waterfalls, through scorching deserts, past rumbling geysers, and through leafy forests.

The Santa Fe & Disneyland RR was always considered a natural extension of Walt's love of trains. But if I could build some sort of rideable model railway, the Mine Train Through Nature's Wonderland would be my preference (though I do love the SF&DLRR)!

1 comment:

  1. You are so correct!! What made this attraction special to me was, I was a city kid trying to escape being in the city. The Disney wilderness and deserts (and jungles too) were amazing places to escape! But, what made Frontierland and Adventureland truly unique was the fact that you were on the outskirts of civilization (in both lands). And that the only way to see the rest of the “land” was to take some form of transportation (mine train, mule, stagecoach, riverboat, jungle launch, etc.). What stretch out beyond required you to become a frontiersman or adventurer to satisfy the mystery and the human need to explore.

    From time to time here rumblings about a possible walk way being built from Critter Country to Big Thunder Ranch for Guest control reasons. That would really remove the mystery! There would be little reason to “explore the back woods and wilderness” aboard the Mark Twain or the Disneyland RR if I became a pedestrian.
