Friday, June 09, 2006

Motor Boat Cruise, 1957

Here's an early look at the thrilling Motor Boats. Whoo-hoo! Dan Goodsell had some photos on his fun "A Sampler of Things" blog (go back in his archives to May 31), they inspired me to find some of my own slides of this attraction. Ya know, I don't believe I have EVER heard anyone say that they miss the Motor Boats (though I'm sure there are people that do). There was just not much to it. It was like the Storybookland boats if you tore out the beautiful miniature buildings. Hey, what's that guy doing on the rocks at the right? Probably there to come to the rescue in case guests were accidentally swept into the dangerous rapids. You can see the Tomorrowland Skyway station in the distance, in spite of the slide's soft focus.


  1. That is probably the best image I have seen of the Motor Boat Cruise. Looks like the same place they took the image on the postcard with the monorail.

  2. Whoa! Who is that guy & what is he doing there? He looks like he's taking pictures - maybe a guest who hopped over the fence? Great shot!

  3. Yeah this shot makes the boats look exciting not the lazy cruise through boredom it became

  4. Oh, all right, I'll say it: "I miss the Motor Boat Cruise." Not so much for me, but for children.

    For landlocked kids eight and under, it was a thrill to drive a boat, even though you knew you weren't steering.

    It was a sweet, simple ride.

  5. Thanks everyone...hey, could that be the Viewliner track running horizontally about 1/4 of the way down from the top?

  6. Wow, the landscaping along the "river" makes it look like you really are out in the wilds.
