Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Mariachis, August 1958

Kodachrome, we loves ya! Here's a beautiful colorful photo of mariachis performing in Frontierland (whatever became of the little bandstand?) I wish I could tell you more about it...Dan Goodsell has a later photo on his A Sampler of Things blog showing mariachis, apparently from the 1960's. So obviously they remained there for many years. If anyone can add info, please comment!


  1. Hey Major- the group is the Gonzalez trio and they performed for many years. I believe the bandstand was at the end of the El Zocala market I just showcased a week ago. The bandstand was right in front of Casa De Fritos and Mineral Hall.

  2. Whoa! Amazing.... PJ is right the "older and wiser" Gonzalez Trio....

  3. Thanks as always for the helpful info, Patrick!

  4. Minor correction. The actual name of the group was the "Trio Gonzalez."

  5. And...the group was called the Trio Gonzalez and they used to sing a parody called, "Tacos for Two" (to the tune of Cocktails for two). "Our hearts were burning, but it wasn't from the yearning, so we both reached for the water, 'cause our faces, red were turning!"
