Thursday, September 14, 2017

Disneyland's "Summer '67" Guidebook, Part Four

Today's continuation of Ken Martinez's scans of a "Disneyland '67" guidebook feature images of restaurants and shops - many of them are unique and fascinating looks at places that were rarely photographed.

Summer ’67 Disneyland U.S.A. – Part 4 Dining and Shopping at Disneyland

Today is the fourth post in a six part series featuring the “Summer ’67 Disneyland, U.S.A” booklet.  Featured today are the dining and shopping options at Disneyland.  How many of these concessions have survived through the history of the park?  I’ll let the booklet pages tell the story.

I love the Donald Duck caps the burger munching trio is wearing.  Anyone ever get one of those duck bill caps?

(Editor's note: I have one of those duck bill caps! I know right where it is, and might even have a photo or  two of me wearing it when I was about three years old).

Ah!  It’s a rare image of Sunkist “I Presume”.  The red lei the mother is wearing adds a nice Adventureland touch to the photo.

Shopping at Disneyland, when there was actually a lot of cool non-Disney branded stuff you could purchase.

Next will be Part 5 featuring the live entertainment, free shows and exhibits that were at Disneyland.  Hope you enjoyed today’s post.

Pretty cool, eh? Man oh man, those were the days! Thanks very much to Ken for sharing these scans.


  1. Ken-

    The Frito Kid and Klondike-! My day is complete.

    Thanks, Ken.

  2. That giant round ice table with the salads and fruit on it at the Plaza Inn (first pic) used to rotate! I still have my Donald Duck hat from childhood and the bill still "squeaks." Wow, where is that DL map from the Kodak Shop today? In the landfill? I LOVE what we are able to see of the decor at "Sunkist, I Presume" in Adventureland. Thanks, Ken & Major!

  3. Chuck6:46 AM

    A photo of the brand-spanking-new Blue Bayou! I know I dressed up to take my wife to dinner there on her birthday once, but I'm wondering how many people dressed like that to dine in the Blue Bayou in 1967. I'm also wondering how long it took to light the place for that photo.

    I also love the photo of the Cub Scouts bellying up to the bar. Uniform regs have changed since then; you're no longer allowed to drink in public while wearing your uniform.

    And is that the Gonzalez Trio at the Case de Fritos?

    That Kodak Shop photo reminds me of the smell of opening a fresh, foil-lined package of film. It's a scent I associate with my childhood and brings back the excitement of going some place special as a family - special enough to commemorate with slides or a cartridge of precious Super 8 film.

    Thanks again, Ken!

  4. Anonymous10:37 AM

    While the photos are 'staged' they nonetheless represent a period in which dining at the Park was part of the Disney experience and not just a 'pit stop'. It's disappointing to see how the opportunity has diminished via closures and modifications...some of which necessary to feed the masses of today but also a management push to reduce costs (example: Tahitian Terrace). KS

  5. Major, I figured there were a couple of GDB'rs who had those duck bill caps. They are cool. I wonder if any good samples show up on eBay from time to time?

    Nanook, Glad the Frito Kid and Klondike could do it for you. He's one of my favorite Disneyland icons from the early days. I just hope you didn't leave hungry after this post.

    TokyoMagic!, "squeaking" is forever. I'm sure that Kodak Shop DL map is in someone's garage or shed... rotting away. If only we could see what's on the menu board at Sunkist "I Presume".

    Chuck, I like the Cub Scouts image too and how they're all lined up at the bar. I don't know if people dressed that nicely when going to the Blue Bayou back in 1967, but in general they dressed nicer back then. At least the clothes were more stylish.

    KS, I miss the pre-ODV cart days when Disney had more sit-down and counter service areas and focused on dining as an experience. I remember being disappointed when Town Square Cafe/America Egg House closed. It was a nice place to dine and relax in the Town Square area. I think it also added a different feel to Town Square. I also miss the little counter service areas that used to be tucked between the River Belle Terrace and Golden Horseshoe.

    Again, thank you all for the nice comments. More to come!

  6. Ken-

    I'm fully satiated, thank you-!

    And I suppose it's more-than-possible the image featuring the Frito Kid was actually date-appropriate to the brochure - but merely judging by the clothing styles, that image screams 1950's - or early-60's, at least.

  7. Chuck, I forgot all about that "new film" smell, when you would remove the film cartridge from it's wrapper. And yes, it was usually associated with great memories. Thanks for that memory jog!

  8. Aww, Daddy Duck and Daughter Duck are doing that twined arms thing that people do with champagne glasses, with their hamburgers! That is too adorable. Exactly 25% too adorable. Cut it out, you two.

    Somebody's food is going to go where you’ve plunked your kid’s butt, Bouffant Mom.

    The Cub Scouts in Frontierland look like tiny Cavalry officers in a Western movie.

    I can understand spending a whole day shopping back in the days of low admission and ride tickets, but I do know people who still seem to enjoy it even now that you pay more than $100 a day with attractions included.

    I've really enjoyed this peek into 1967!

  9. Eeeeeew, Melissa! You are right! When I worked at Knott's, that used to gross us out when someone would plop their kid down on the counter where we were serving food.....especially when the kid was wearing a saggy diaper! And it happened far more often than you would think.

  10. Anonymous10:29 AM


    Having started at Hills Bros Coffee House, which was before the Egg House, I too greatly miss having something similar in that location today. Those of us who worked there thought it was a special place. KS

  11. Anonymous10:56 PM

    Great post.
